

Here, you can find tips, tricks, and application stories about our sensor solutions. Learn more about the possibilities that our position sensors can offer to the industrial and mobile hydraulics sectors and how our transmitters support the liquid level business segment.
  • Reliable level measurement for barges - Part 1

    Jan 25, 2022
    Marcel Idsinga, Managing Director at Instrument Technical Utilities (ITU), a suppplier of measurement and control instrumentation, explains the challenges of inland water transport by barges in Europe. The company equips oil and chemical tankers with control systems using Temposonics transmitters to provide high accuracy level measurement. This is part 1 of a two-part article.
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  • Precise roll gap control with position sensors

    Jan 11, 2022
    Processing metals is a very harsh business. There is a lot of heat involved to melt and cast the metal to be able to work with it and roll it. The Italian company Danieli is an international player in the field of metal processing and their machines can be found all around the globe. Among their wide range of machines and systems designed for the metal industry are rolling mills. In those mills, the metal is processed so that it gets thin and flat. Mr. Stefano Martinis, Engineering Manager at Danieli, explains how rolling mills operate, what role the position sensors from Temposonics are playing and how they help to optimize the metal production.
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  • Full throttle with linear position sensor technology

    Nov 30, 2021
    While in Europe Formula 1 is a big topic, the focus in the US is more on NASCAR, where millions of people attend the more than 1,500 stock car racing events across the country each year. Companies such as Hendrick Motorsport always strive to optimize their stock cars and they found support in using a Temposonics position sensor to get ahead of their competitors.
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  • The 5th Generation – The History of the R-Series

    Nov 18, 2021
    The new generation of the R-Series has the suffix V. Because the R-Series V is not only supposed to differ from its predecessor R-Series in its improved features, but also in its name. The character V does not stand for the 22nd letter of the alphabet but for the Roman number V = 5. But why V or 5? This question is answered by Dr Olaf Kissing, Product Manager Industrial Sensors at Temposonics.
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  • Position sensors and the variety of mobile hydraulic applications

    Oct 27, 2021
    Linear position sensors installed in mobile hydraulics machinery are frequently exposed to the most difficult conditions and harsh environmental influences. Due to its well-proven cylinder integration, the sensor is protected optimally. Using the right sensor for the right application in mobile hydraulics is extremely important. In this article, Reinier Smallegange, Sales Manager at Diverto Technologies BV, describes how sensors supplied by Temposonics are used in a multifunction machine.
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  • Measurement technology in mobile hydraulics - status quo?

    Oct 21, 2021
    What are the trends in mobile sensor technology? What role do other measured variables and machine safety play in mobile applications and what will future sensors look like? Thomas Schmale, Application Engineer Mobile Hydraulics at Temposonics, explains these and other questions to us.
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  • Staying in time – Data acquisition and transmission with R-Series V SSI (part 2)

    Sep 21, 2021
    In the first part of this article the data transmission via SSI as well as the asynchronous mode and the synchronous mode 1 of the R-Series V SSI were described. In this second part Dr Olaf Kissing explains the two further synchronous modes 2 and 3 of this linear position sensor.
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  • The right angle - how position sensors support cambering processes

    Sep 21, 2021
    Within the production of metal plates, press brakes ensure that the metal gets the right shape. Temposonics linear position sensors play an important role in this, as they can be used to control the pressure on the metal and the movement of the press. How this works is explained in the following text.
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  • Staying in time - Data acquisition and transmission with R-Series V SSI (part 1)

    Aug 17, 2021
    In this latest blog entry, Dr. Olaf Kissing, our Product Manager Industrial Sensors, provides you with some technical details on how users can gather and transfer measurement information from R-Series V position sensors with SSI output to the controller.
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  • How position sensors control a 60-ton CNC-stretch-bending machine

    Aug 3, 2021
    In this interview with Günther Wensing GmbH, Managing Director Jens Wensing explains how position sensors from Temposonics support the control of CNC stretch-bending machines, what requirements must be met and what role the position sensors play in Industry 4.0.
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